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Tutor's Profile Details !

  • Area Covered :

    Qualification :

    Master's degree in Investment Analysis

    About Me:

    Investment Banking experience in Canary Wharf in Valuation Control and Market Risk. Teaching Advanced Excel and Excel VBA programming for ALL LEVELS. Career advice and CV building to receive a very good financial position.

  • # Category Subject Level
    1 Academic GCSE, A Level, Degree, Key Stage 3
  • Your Rate :

    The * fields are mandetory !



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    *Your Thought

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  • "The sessions were well planned and the material was presented in the most accessible manner that allowed me to get a distinction in all the subjects t..."

    • Adilet Z, London
  • "G is a really great tutor. Thanks to her i got 90+ in my module. She has the ability to explain complex problems in simple terms..."

    • Nhan N, London
  • "The sessions were well planned and the material was presented in the most accessible manner that allowed me to get a distinction in all the subjects."

    • Adilet Z,
    • London
  • "G is a really great tutor. Thanks to her i got 90+ in my module. She has the ability to explain complex problems in simple terms."

    • Nhan N,
    • London